Why Muddy Boots?
Muddy Boots prides itself on providing a stimulating, creative, caring and safe environment for our children every single day. We strive to help each child reach their full potential and prepare them not only for school, but provide them with life skills such as toileting, hand washing, sharing and asking for help.
All of our activities and games are carefully thought out to meet these goals and fulfil the EYFS structure.
Each half-term we adopt a different theme and this provides the inspiration for many activities and learning experiences.
In the past we have looked at different seasons, fairy tales, under the sea and celebrations. The children really enjoy this variety and we find it brings learning to life. Last year as part of their Spring topic the children watched in amazement as caterpillars turned to cocoons and then became butterflies which they released into the woodland area. They have grown beans as part of our Jack and the Beanstalk topic, planted and tended to flowers in the woodland area, met new born lambs, made cars and boats in the home corner - the list is endless!
Our playroom is vibrant and lively and full of engaging and fun activities to help the children learn without even realising it! We believe it is important for them to play outside and have a wonderful woodland area for them to explore.
The grass has been replaced with Astroturf so the children can use the area to its full potential all year round. It contains a sandpit, water tray, giraffe measuring, chalkboard flowers, mud kitchen, scooters, bikes, pushchairs, road signs, remote control cars, mirrors, a bug hotel, a play house, tunnels, a slide, balls, areas for growing fruit and vegetables and a parachute. All under the canopy of some lovely trees which allow the children to try a little (safe and supervised) climbing.
Throughout the year we host a number of special events. We always stage a carol concert at Christmas, in addition to a children’s Christmas party. At Easter we hold an Easter Egg hunt for Muddy Boots children and their families and we have a pre-school trip to West Lodge Rural Centre. In addition to these activities, we celebrate special days, such as Shrove Tuesday, Valentines Day, Chinese New Year, Fathers and Mothers Day and festivals including Diwali and Hanukkah.